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Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary

20th Anniversary of our founding

Chartered October 1, 2003

The Houston Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary was founded in 2003 by Lilly Andress in collaboration with The Salvation Army representative, Major Dorris Gonzalez.  A distinguished group of 38 community leaders immediately joined as charter members and continue as active members. Lilly served as the Auxiliary’s first president, 2003 – 2005.

Lt. Colonel Patsy Tritton, Lilly Andress & Major Dorris Gonzalez

 The Houston Women’s Auxiliary adopted the butterfly as our symbol, beginning as a tiny caterpillar.  We learned about Family Residence, Sally’s House, and the Christmas Angel Tree as we developed our true mission.  SAWA programs provide “new beginnings” to the audiences we serve for women, families, children, youth, senior adults, and veterans.  Service projects and programs have expanded over the years, emerging as the energetic SAWA butterfly we are today.

This year, we celebrate not only the 20th anniversary of our founding; it marks the 20th Reflections on Style, our major fundraiser.  The first ROS chair is this year’s honoree, Michelle Bain; Cora Sue Mach and Sidney Faust chaired the Chic Boutique and collected clothing in Sidney’s garage apartment.  The late Margaret Love was the honoree.  Our founding members were true visionaries, and we have reaped the rewards of their legacy for the last 20 years. 

Lilly Andress with Honoree Margaret Love & ROS Chair Michelle Bain

Eleanor Conan, Cora Sue Mach, Ann Bookout, Billi Sue Parris, Vicki West, Michelle Bain, Sidney Faust, Mary Kay Coleman, Joann Crassas & Mary Katharine Roff

Front: Lt. Col. Tritton, Michelle Bain, Linda McReynolds, Puddie Pitcock (d), Sidney Faust & Major Gonzalez
Back: Jessie Davis (d), Brenda DeVore, Jane Wise, Dorothy Nicholson, Carol Sharpe, Lilly Andress, Vicki West, Ann Bookout, Gayle Eury & Cora Sue Mach

Chic Boutique Chairs Sidney Faust & Cora Sue Mach with Michelle Bain